It's A Rotten World!

well well well... it looks like you have scampered upon my website!

i don't want you stumbling around and being all lost so here's the low-down

welcome! you, my good websurfer, have found, my own lil website!

i'm still working on putting it together, so it's a little rough around the edges right now

but don't let that scare you off!

it's like my grandpa used to always say, there's plenty of fun to be had at!

Update Board

Welcome to my website! I'm still getting things started so stay tuned!

3/5/2024 - added about webmaster section woohoo !

2/25/2024- started really coding the site, gettin into it, made the 'about', 'stuff' & 'games' pages

2/24/2024- the site has been created! yippe great good fun

small little list of things i wanna add;
guestbook, blog (maybe?), shrines, webdev resources

Hot Dog